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Sambrero Hat Galaxy M104 & M87 These two galaxies strike irregular shaft of light out of it (M104 & M87 ) are two similar galaxies looking in Virgo constellation. These two galaxies are mysterious in there own particular ways . The Andromeda Galaxy , Milky way and many other galaxies make up our local group where Virgo real mystery lies. As these galaxies make up our local group and it is the smallest group of galaxies in the universe . About 40000 members that exist in Virgo supercluster is made up of local group. All of these galaxies are being pulled towards great attracter.

But there question arises that How far these galaxies are? And what happens when we go there?

There is no galaxies like super cluster to account for it. The largest black hole physically possible don’t even come near to being enough large to produce this impact .The one and only thing left is possibility of unnamed power.

About Bee Writes

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